Our Collective Commitments
Welcome to the North Polk Community School District! Our district is dedicated to providing a high-quality education for all students. In December 2022, we approved a strategic plan that includes collective commitments to guide our work in the coming years. These commitments are aimed at creating a supportive and vibrant learning environment for all students in our district.
News & Announcements
Construction has officially ensued on the projects from the bond referendum.
We'd like to welcome 25 new teachers to the district!
The first day of school is almost here. Make sure you are prepared by checking out our back-to-school family checklist!
Construction work continues at full steam ahead.
Upcoming Events
NP Central Elementary Cafeteria
North Polk Big Creek Elementary - Cafeteria
North Polk High School
Ballard High School
North Polk Middle School
Bondurant-Farrar Junior High School
all day
Winterset Middle School
North Polk Middle School
Ballard Golf & Country Club