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Board of Education

A group photo of the board of education.
Meeting Date/Time/Location

Board of Education meetings are scheduled for the first and third Monday of the month. Occasionally the meeting will be rescheduled due to holiday breaks or spring break. Board meeting agendas can be found by clicking on "Meetings" located on Simbli

Speaking at a Board Meeting

The Superintendent and Board of Directors of North Polk Community School District welcome comments from the public. You are requested to complete a comment sheet before the start of the meeting stating your request to speak to the Board.  These sheets are available from the Board Secretary.  Please review the Public Comment Procedures before beginning your comments - Board Policy 213 and 213.01.

Recorded Meetings

Not able to make it to the meeting? School board meetings are live streamed and archived on the NP Board of Education channel on YouTube. To access the recordings of previous meetings, click here. 


​   ​A photo headshot of board member James Hill.

James Hill, President
Term Expires: 2025

​   ​A photo headshot of board member Matt Aicher.

Matt Aicher, Vice President
Term Expires: 2025

​   ​A photo headshot of board member Keith Bormann.

Keith Bormann, Director
Term Expires: 2025

A photo headshot of board member Kyle Campbell.

Kyle Campbell, Director
Term Expires: 2027

A photo headshot of Ashley Delaney.

Ashley Delaney, Director
Term Expires: 2027

Board Secretary

Sarah Aspengren
North Polk CSD
515-984-3400 x2000