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Concussion Policy

The North Polk Community Schools will follow guidelines outlined by the Iowa High School Athletic Association Concussion Management Protocol, Iowa Code Section 280.12C regarding brain injury policies.

If a North Polk Community School staff member, coach or contest official observes any signs, symptoms or any behaviors consistent with a concussion or brain injury in a school activity (recess, in the classroom, during a competition or practice), the student shall be immediately removed from participation. If injury occurs during the school day, the student should be sent to the nurse’s office, where the school nurse or other designee will assess the student, for symptoms of a brain injury, and notify parents/ guardians. If happens during a practice or game, the coach is responsible for notifying parents immediately, and notifying the athletic director and school nurse in a timely manner. A student who has been removed from participation shall not return to such participation until the student has been evaluated by a licensed health care provider trained in the evaluation and management of concussions and other brain injuries. A student must then receive a written clearance to return to participation from the same health care provider who evaluated and/or diagnosed the concussion and other brain injury.

A school activity includes any physical education or weightlifting course, recess, extracurricular interscholastic activity contest or practice, including sports or dance.

A licensed health care provider includes: a physician, physician’s assistant, advanced registered nurse practitioner, chiropractor, physical therapist, registered nurse or licensed athletic trainer.

Preseason baseline neurocognitive testing will be done for all 9-12 athletes and may be repeated at the discretion of the athletic director, coaches, school nurse and administrative staff. This can and will be used during the school year to help identify the effects of an injury and the student/ player’s readiness to return to school and/or activities.

The Student Support Team will identify needs and plan for ways to promote the success of a student with brain injury and/or concussion as they are progressing through Return to Learn and Return to Play. A student support team will consist of our health office staff, athletic trainer, athletic director, school counselors, principals and any other individuals needed to support the individual need of the student.  These team members will work closely with the student and parents/ guardians to manage the student’s needs at school and during extracurricular activities.