Branding Guidelines/Logos
At North Polk, our mission is Learning for All by Learning from All. As a part of that mission, we understand the importance of representing our district with a strong and consistent brand. That's why we've created thorough and vetted comprehensive brand guidelines. These guidelines provide detailed information on the proper usage of our district's logo, ensuring that our brand is consistently represented across all materials. We believe that by following these guidelines, we're not only promoting a strong brand but also upholding our mission. Please do not alter or modify any of the logos without express permission. All brand elements must be used and applied as indicated in the NPCSD Brand Guidelines. Thank you for your support in promoting the North Polk Community School District's mission through our brand standards. To view the guidelines, visit the link below.
Updated Brand Marks
The North Polk Community School District’s (NPCSD) goal is to create a systematic, consistent, and uniform look to create a unique and distinctive identity among all stakeholders. This includes all schools, activities, and within our communities. Adherence to standards will help us communicate our values, culture, and vision to internal and external stakeholders, and to every person served by the District. Going forward, all external use of the elements must have prior approval, which includes licensing agreements. All brand elements must be used and applied as indicated in the NPCSD Brand Guidelines.